How Local is Your Local Church?
I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings. – 1 Corinthians 9:22b-23 ESV I believe that Paul is communicating here that ministry is not just about saying the…
Read MoreSmall Town Jesus is now available!
Small Town Jesus is now available for purchase on Amazon! Our hope is that this book will be a great reminder that small towns are big mission fields that God wants to do great things in. This is not just a book, this is a call to take the gospel everywhere, big or small, because that’s what…
Read MoreCan Anything Good Come From There? – Ben Durbin
The world, and even the church, is trending towards the city; but I am not. I am a pastor. I am a church planter like many of you, but I live in the sticks. Truth be told, I know more about fishing tackle than Indie music. I like to shoot things and set stuff on…
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